3 Myths About The Trinity

There are three fundamental misconceptions concerning the trinity that we shall explore in the following order:

  • Myth 1: According to the Tritheists, the triune God is composed of three beings. There are three separate creatures, according to this perspective. There are three persons, but only one divine being, according to the genuine Christian perspective.
  • Myth 2: The Son and the Holy Spirit are not God; there is only one God. These incorrect and erroneous viewpoints are held by those who are referred to as Unitarians. As was already said, the majority of “liberals” now hold the following views: Jesus was only a very excellent teacher and prophet, not God; the Holy Spirit is a force, not a person.
  • Myth 3:  The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all one and the same. The manifestation of this one individual varies with the situation. He takes on several personas at different times, including the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. The only difference is that one individual is playing three parts. Now, this holds true for people, but not for God! So, for instance, I am a pastor, a father, and a husband—three separate roles that one person may play. The expression “a person wears several different hats” is occasionally used. And according to this incorrect viewpoint, God exists as a single individual who assumes three distinct personas.


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