A Prayerful Mother

Being a mother is one of the most demanding yet rewarding jobs in the world. It comes with a lot of responsibilities and challenges, but also with great joys and fulfillment. That is why mothers need all the help they can get to navigate through the ups and downs of motherhood. One essential tool that a mother can use to cope with the demands of motherhood is prayer. In this article, we will look at what it means to be a prayerful mother, the benefits of prayer for mothers and their families, and some helpful tips for becoming a prayerful mother.

What is a Prayerful Mother?

A prayerful mother is a mother who incorporates prayer into her daily routine. She understands the power of prayer and the importance of seeking God’s guidance, wisdom, and strength in every aspect of motherhood. She prays for her children, her husband, her home, her community, and herself. She makes prayer a priority and seeks to deepen her relationship with God through prayer.

The Benefits of Prayer for Mothers and their Families

Prayer has numerous benefits for mothers and their families. Here are a few:

  1. Strength and Endurance: Motherhood can be physically, emotionally, and spiritually draining. Prayer can provide the strength and endurance that mothers need to persevere through the challenges of motherhood.
  2. Peace and Calmness: Motherhood can also be filled with anxiety, stress, and worry. Prayer can bring peace and calmness to a mother’s heart and mind, allowing her to focus on what is truly important.
  3. Wisdom and Guidance: Mothers need wisdom and guidance to make the best decisions for their families. Prayer can provide them with the clarity and discernment they need to make wise choices.
  4. Protection and Provision: Mothers naturally want to protect and provide for their children. Prayer can help them trust in God’s protection and provision for their families, even in difficult times.

Tips for Becoming a Prayerful Mother

Here are some practical tips for becoming a prayerful mother:

1. Schedule Prayer Time: Just as you would schedule appointments, activities, and errands, schedule some dedicated time for prayer. It does not have to be a long time, but it should be consistent.

2. Use Prayer Prompts: Sometimes it can be hard to know what to pray for. Use prayer prompts such as scriptures, prayer journals, or prayer lists to guide your prayers.

3. Pray with Your Children: Encourage your children to pray with you and to develop their own prayer lives. Teach them to pray for themselves, their friends, their families, and their world.

4. Join a Prayer Group: Consider joining a prayer group or finding a prayer partner. Having a supportive community of prayer warriors can be encouraging and uplifting.

5. Practice Gratitude: Gratitude is an essential component of prayer. Take time to reflect on all the blessings in your life and give thanks to God for them.

In conclusion, becoming a prayerful mother can be a powerful tool for navigating the challenges of motherhood. By prioritizing prayer, mothers can experience the benefits of strength, peace, wisdom, and protection for themselves and their families. So, take some time today to pray for your family and ask God for the guidance, wisdom, and strength you need to be the best prayerful mother you can be.


  • Stormie Omartian. The Power of a Praying Parent. Harvest House Publishers, 2014.
  • Jennifer Kennedy Dean. Live a Praying Life. New Hope Publishers, 2009.
  • Ruth Myers. 31 Days of Prayer for My Child. Moody Publishers, 2021.
  • Anne Graham Lotz. The Daniel Prayer. Zondervan, 2016.


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