African Theology… The Attributes of God 3 May 2023 God is a central figure in Christianity, and the religion has developed a complex understanding of who God is and what attributes He possesses. In this post, we will explore…
African Theology… The Humanity of Jesus 2 May 2023 Jesus of Nazareth, the central figure of Christianity, is often viewed as the divine Son of God. His miraculous healings, teachings, and resurrection have inspired billions of believers throughout history.…
Theology of Christ… 3 Myths About The Trinity 25 Dec 20226 Jan 2023 There are three fundamental misconceptions concerning the trinity that we shall explore in the following order: Myth 1: According to the Tritheists, the triune God is composed of three beings.…
Theology of God… The Holy Spirit Is God 25 Dec 20226 Jan 2023 In relation to the trinity, I shall provide three justifications for Christians' conviction that the Holy Spirit is the triune God and a member of the trinity. First of all,…
Theology of Christ… Jesus Christ Is God 22 Dec 20226 Jan 2023 Regarding the teachings on the TRINITY, there have frequently been doubts as to whether Jesus is God. I will therefore give you five distinct types of evidence that are frequently…
Theology of Christ… What Is The Trinity? 22 Dec 20226 Jan 2023 Basically, the three key points are: The Godhead is made up of three individuals: the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. Each individual is wholly and really God. That is,…
Theology of Christ… Complete Restoration of God’s Image When we are Glorified 24 Sep 20226 Jan 2023 We shall all be GLORIFIED when Christ returns in glory, which entails that we will perfectly reflect God's character. We are told in Scripture that when he comes, we will…
African Theology… Why Do We Do Theology 25 Aug 20222 Jan 2023 Theology: In order to develop in righteousness and exalt God, it is necessary for followers of Christ to undergo a transformational journey in which we strive to understand God via…
African Theology… Brief Introduction to Theology 25 Aug 20222 Jan 2023 Knowing God versus Knowing About God 4:13, Phil. 1:9—The aim is to increase in knowledge and faith; Paul asks that knowledge may flourish in love. love. 1 Cor. 8:1-3 and…
African Theology… Branches Of Theology 25 Aug 20222 Jan 2023 Biblical Theology- Biblical Theology is divided into two main categories: Old Testament (OT) Theology and New Testament (NT) Theology. This theological form gives particular emphasis to the teachings of different…
African Theology… What’s Theology? 24 Aug 20222 Jan 2023 Theology is the research or study of God. The terms "theology" are derived from two Greek words, "theos" and "logia," which together indicate "God" and "learning," respectively. The discipline aims…