African Theology… How I Came to Faith in Christ 7 May 202331 May 2023 Growing up, I was curious about God but didn't know much about Him. I went to church occasionally with my family (Especially, with my grandmother) but it didn't seem to…
Pastoral Counselling… How does the Theology of God inform our Understanding of Ethics and Morality? 6 May 2023 Theology of God is a rich source of ethical and moral guidance for Christians. This theology provides Christians with a framework for thinking and acting that is grounded in an…
African Theology… Relationship Between God And Humanity 3 May 2023 The relationship between God and humanity is one of the most crucial topics in Christian theology. Christianity teaches that God is the creator of all things, and that humanity is…
African Theology… How Does God Reveal Himself To Humans? 3 May 2023 The Christian faith is based on the belief in the existence of God who is the creator of the universe. It is through revelation that Christians get a glimpse into…
African Theology… A Prayerful Mother 2 May 2023 Being a mother is one of the most demanding yet rewarding jobs in the world. It comes with a lot of responsibilities and challenges, but also with great joys and…
Theology of Christ… Complete Restoration of God’s Image When we are Glorified 24 Sep 20226 Jan 2023 We shall all be GLORIFIED when Christ returns in glory, which entails that we will perfectly reflect God's character. We are told in Scripture that when he comes, we will…
Theology of Christ… Redemption In Christ 1 Sep 20226 Jan 2023 Our reflection of God's likeness is gradually returning. We are gradually recovering and reflecting more of God’s image. As believers with a new nature, we are "being renewed in knowledge…
Theology of Humanity The Fall Of Man 31 Aug 20226 Jan 2023 While warped, God's image is still discernible. God’s image distorted but not completely lost. How about man's original sin caused by his fall? How does that impact the divine image…
Theology of Humanity Stewardship As The Image Of God 30 Aug 20226 Jan 2023 We can reign since we were created in God's likeness. Let them rule over is the logical conclusion of "Let us make in our image." God has appointed us to…
Theology of Humanity What Does “Image of God” Mean? 29 Aug 20222 Jan 2023 God is quoted as saying, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us. They will reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the…
Theology of Humanity Why Did God Create Man? 29 Aug 20226 Jan 2023 God didn't have to make man. There are instances when people claim that God made men and women because he was lonesome. Most definitely not the case! According to the…
African Theology… Why Do We Do Theology 25 Aug 20222 Jan 2023 Theology: In order to develop in righteousness and exalt God, it is necessary for followers of Christ to undergo a transformational journey in which we strive to understand God via…