We shall all be GLORIFIED when Christ returns in glory, which entails that we will perfectly reflect God’s character. We are told in Scripture that when he comes, we will resemble him (1 John 3:2) and that we will carry the image of the man of heaven “just as we have carried the image of the man of clay” (1 Cor 15:49). Romans 5:2 also states, “We exult in the prospect of the glory of God.” This implies that we not only delight in the expectation of witnessing God’s beauty, but also in the expectation of reflecting and partaking in it. According to Romans 8:28–30, God’s plan for his people began when he foreknew them, which simply implies that he placed his affection on them before the world’s foundation. God’s plan for his people culminates in their glorification. We will eventually fully adapt to Christ’s resemblance, at which point we will perfectly reflect God’s likeness. This implies:
- Relationship/ Community. True community will exist in heaven, or perhaps we should say the new heavens and the new earth. Men and women of every race and tongue will be found among God’s people. Relationships will be completely fulfilled. There won’t be anyone who feels unwelcome, lost, lonely, or “out of it.” The community that exists in the Triune God shall be reflected as thoroughly as possible in God’s people.
- Rationality. When we are exalted, we will have the ability to think more clearly and comprehend more fully than before. There won’t be anywhere where we can just wander around and do anything we want.
- Creativity. The eternal state won’t be dull or uninteresting. It will be artistically rich. There will be growth and advancement, and we’ll find new approaches to solving problems. Perhaps there will be new and amazing ways to construct, travel, and communicate. All of today’s cutting-edge technology will seem so archaic in splendor; it will resemble how Stone Age tools do now! Then, we will ponder how anyone could have traveled on such excruciatingly sluggish airplanes. Just like we do now when we consider how individuals managed to ride donkeys from Mombasa to Nairobi! What a time and energy waster! How absurdly slow!
- Love. When God has completely restored our image to Himself, we shall perfectly love the LORD with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and flawlessly love our neighbors as ourselves. The next objective is to perfect the modest freedom of our state rather than to adore God more deeply: “Love can only be manifested through helping others” (John 13:35).
- Stewardship. In the new creation, we shall reign and judge (1 Corinthians 6:2-3). (Rev 2:26-28). Take note of Revelation 22:5 in particular: “… And they shall rule for all time.” According to Dr. Jamie Viands “The final words of the final vision in the final book of the Bible are these. Thus, it’s significant to note that the first and final statements made in the Bible regarding our role—namely, that we are to govern as God reigns in order to reflect and honor him—are identical.” And, joyfully, we shall flawlessly do our duty in the new heavens and the new earth. The anthropologist declares, “We are the Royal Family of Life.”
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