

Development is a process that results in expansion, advancement, constructive change, or the addition of elements that are physical, industrial, ecological, societal, and epidemiological. The goal of development is to raise the standard of living for the populace while protecting the ecosystem’s resources. It also aims to increase local revenue and economic possibilities. Development comprises a quality change aspect and the setting up of circumstances for the continuance of that progress, and it is observable and beneficial, albeit not always right away. Commencing in the second part of the 20th century, development became a key topic on the global agenda. It became clear that economic progress did not always result in an improvement in the standard of living for people everywhere; instead, focus needed to be placed on particular policies that would direct resources and promote social and economic portability for different tiers of the populace.

The concept of “development” has undergone several meanings and interpretations over the years by experts and numerous academics. For instance, Amartya Sen created the “capability approach,” which describes development as a tool that enables individuals to attain the peak of their abilities by allowing freedom of action, such as freedom of economic, social, and familial acts, etc. This strategy served as the foundation for the UN Development Program’s (UNDP) 1990 HDI (Human Development Index), which was created to quantify development. In the area of gender, Martha Nussbaum created the abilities approach and placed a strong emphasis on the empowerment of women as a vehicle for development.

For decades, experts like Jeffrey Sachs and Paul Collier concentrated on the factors that hinder or repress progress in particular nations, causing them to remain for decades in extreme poverty. Civil conflicts, a lack of mineral wealth, and poverty itself are some of the different poverty traps. The ability to relate to the political, economic, and social realities of a nation allows for the advancement of development. The adoption of sustainable development, which holds that growth and development are necessary to increase the quality of living for people throughout the world now while also taking into account the demands of the environment and future generations of people, is one of Jeffrey Sacks’ main focus.

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