Our Blog

  • Conceptualizing Advocacy: A Comprehensive Guide

    Conceptualizing Advocacy: A Comprehensive Guide

    Understanding the Purpose and Objectives of Advocacy Advocacy can be defined as the act of supporting or recommending a cause, policy, or idea with the intention of influencing decisions and fostering social change. It plays a critical role in society by addressing issues faced by marginalized groups and promoting equity. Through advocacy, individuals, organizations, orContinue… Read more

  • Understanding Key Concepts in Lobbying and Advocacy for Rights and Entitlements

    Understanding Key Concepts in Lobbying and Advocacy for Rights and Entitlements

    Explore the transformative journey of women’s rights in Kenya, highlighting the critical roles of advocacy and lobbying in promoting gender equality. This blog delves into the significant strides made in education, politics, and leadership, while examining the challenges faced and the importance of public policy in shaping women’s rights. Learn how grassroots movements, NGOs, and… Read more

  • Understanding Sin and Its Impact on Development Objectives

    Understanding Sin and Its Impact on Development Objectives

    Introduction to Sin and Its Significance Sin, in the context of biblical teachings, can be comprehensively understood as any action or thought pattern that diverges from the standards set by God for human existence. This divergence can manifest in various forms, ranging from overt acts to subtle mental attitudes that embrace selfishness, pride, or ignorance.Continue… Read more

  • Exploring Christian Eschatology: Its Profound Impact on Development Practices

    Exploring Christian Eschatology: Its Profound Impact on Development Practices

    Understanding Christian Eschatology Christian eschatology is a theological study focusing on the ultimate destiny of humanity as articulated within the Christian faith. It encompasses a variety of concepts such as hope, renewal, and divine justice, which collectively inform the understanding of end-time events and their implications for individual believers and communities alike. At its core,Continue… Read more

  • Development from a Christian Eschatological Perspective: Hope, Renewal, and Justice

    Development from a Christian Eschatological Perspective: Hope, Renewal, and Justice

    Introduction to Christian Eschatology Christian eschatology refers to the theological study of last things or end times, as derived from religious texts and doctrines. It encompasses a wide range of concepts including divine justice, hope, and renewal, which serve as foundational principles for understanding human existence and society’s trajectory. The eschatological perspective posits that historyContinue… Read more



    From beginning to end, the Bible affirms that God is the Creator. This, and not the human condition, is the true starting point for both understanding and caring for the world around us. Read more