Our Blog

  • Exploring the Theological Significance of the Prayer of Jabez

    Exploring the Theological Significance of the Prayer of Jabez

    At first glance, the prayer seems concise, but its richness unfolds as we dissect its components. The supplicant’s plea for divine blessing reveals an awareness of his utter dependence on God, a foundational principle resonating throughout Scripture (Psalm 121:2). ..READ… Read more

  • The Creator and His Creation

    The Creator and His Creation

    The concept of a Creator and His creation has been the subject of theological discussion and debate for centuries. In Christianity, the belief that God created the world and everything in it is a foundational doctrine. Read more

  • Place of Humanity in God’s Plan

    Place of Humanity in God’s Plan

    Human beings have always pondered their place in the grand scheme of things. In the context of God’s big plan, the Bible provides profound insights into humanity’s purpose and significance. Read more

  • Creator of the Universe: God of the Bible

    Creator of the Universe: God of the Bible

    The God of the Bible emerges as the creator of the universe, possessing attributes of power, wisdom, and eternity. The biblical perspective on the creator aligns with scientific and philosophical insights, reinforcing the notion of a divine intelligence behind the universe’s existence. Read more

  • The Divine Mystery of the Trinity

    The Divine Mystery of the Trinity

    The Trinity is a fundamental doctrine of the Christian faith. It is the belief in one God in three Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The doctrine of the Trinity was developed in response to early Christian debates about the nature of God. In the early church, there were two main views… Read more

  • Why I am into Christian Content Creation

    Why I am into Christian Content Creation

    I take advantage of various social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Blogsite, Instagram, Linkedin, and Tiktok to reach a wider audience and share the love of God. … One of the platforms that have given me massive exposure is Facebook, where my content reaches a staggering 1.4 million to 1.9 million people across… Read more