Our reflection of God’s likeness is gradually returning. We are gradually recovering and reflecting more of God’s image. As believers with a new nature, we are “being renewed in knowledge in [our] Creator’s] likeness” (Col 3:10). Through Holy scripture, we increase in awareness and information, and as a result, the image of God is gradually being restored in us. In his words, “And we are transformed into his likeness [image], with ever surpassing splendor,” Paul continues (2 Cor 3:18). He is discussing an event that is taking place right now for us. As we’ve already stated, God’s ultimate goal is to make us more like his Son (Rom 8:29), and to that end, he employs all of life’s circumstances—including, and maybe especially, the challenging and unpleasant ones. We are told;
And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. For God knew his people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son, so that his Son would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.
Romans 8:28-29
Therefore, being a Christian involves evolving into more of Christ, becoming more and more like him, and therefore becoming increasingly completely the image of God. God utilizes a variety of highly effective tools to effect this transformation in us, including refreshing our minds. (Total Depravity contains further information about this). For the time being, however, take notice that altering our thinking plays a significant role in how we are regenerated in God’s image. “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world,” says Romans 12:2, “but be changed by the renewing of your mind.” In any situation, God’s word is still with us, just as it was with Paul: “Therefore, brethren, stand firm and retain the traditions which you were taught.” We need to have our brains regenerated so that our lives can be altered and we can better thoroughly adapt to Christ’s likeness and reflect the likeness of God.
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