God is quoted as saying, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us. They will reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild animals on the earth, and the small animals that scurry along the ground.” – (Gen 1:26 NLT). Hendiadys, which is the expression of one thought or idea using two separate words, is demonstrated here. Therefore, “likeness” and “image” relate to the same aspect of humanity rather than two independent aspects. What exactly does it mean to state that a person is “created in God’s image and likeness”? In certain aspects, man “represents or stands for God,” “is like God,” or is “similar to God,” according to this phrase. Genesis 5:3 says, “When Adam was 130 years old, he became the father of a son who was just like him—in his very image. He named his son Seth”. – NLT What aspect of Seth resembles and represents Adam? What about him resembles his father? certain methods abound! Seth could cough and stand like his father; he might also have some of their traits, talents, and personality. However, it is obvious that Seth’s core meaning is that he resembles his father in some way; when we look at Seth, we may see a little bit of Adam.
How exactly are people made in the “image of God”? Take note that the phrase “let us create man in our likeness” follows a description of God. Genesis 1:1–25, which have demonstrated the nature of this God, are followed by Genesis 1:26. Therefore, the first 25 lines of Genesis 1 show us what God is like before telling us that “man is like him.” It’s important to keep in mind that Genesis 1:26 is meant to be read after verses 1–25, according to someone who wrote this. In those passages, the God who is revealed is the God who is reflected in Man. These passages demonstrate the strength, ingenuity, beauty, and orderliness of God. We observe his sanity as he applies logic and reasoning. We can see his logical thinking in the way he utilizes language to further his goals. We can observe his moral character in the way he evaluates and praises the things he has made. We can observe his generosity in the way that he blesses everyone of his creation, including the birds and the fish. We can tell that he is triune. Through his Word and Spirit, he produces. Here is the first proof that there are three persons who are eternally related to one another in oneness and harmony within the existence of God. Since God is like this, we might anticipate seeing some of this in those who are made in his likeness, or in other words, in man. Living in the “image of God” entails following God’s example. And that is what the Bible continuously exhorts us to do: “Be holy, for I am holy,” it says (eg Leviticus 11:44,45; 1 Peter 1:16). “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ,” urges Paul (I Cor 11:1). And the entire goal of God’s plan for our salvation is “to mould us to the image of his Son” (Roms 8:29).
The Human Condition
To be made in God’s likeness means what exactly? Five categories are selected by Joe Kapolyo in his book The Human Condition to assist describe the “image of God”:
Relationship (Community):
There are several “persons” in the Trinity, or the Godhead. We’ve got “three in one.” The image of God is also made up of several individuals. What did God do to make his own image? He formed them, and after only the male had been made, he declared it “not good.” Therefore, community or relationship is crucial to existing in God’s image. Worth noting: Although marriage demonstrates one part of being created in God’s image, we are not simply discussing marriage here. We are discussing interactions between people and the human community.Reasonability (Rationality):
In the same manner that God thinks logically, organizes logically, and acts rationally, so does man, who is made in God’s likeness. Animals may acquire a variety of skills, but we believe that repetition and reinforcement with rewards are the only ways for them to do so. Animals are not capable of logical thought or deductive reasoning in the same way that humans are. Reason is the foundation of language. Animals generate noises that have varied connotations. For example, a dog’s barking might indicate danger or happiness. However, this is not reasoning at all. Animals do not gather and ponder the purpose of life or other similar questions. The ability to speak in an abstract manner is a trait of humans.Creativity (Originality):
God had only recently begun to create, and now he makes man in his likeness. Therefore, it makes sense to assume that God’s likeness will possess creativity. Observe how imaginative God is. He creates hundreds of distinct types of trees, not just one type. He creates canines of different sizes and forms. Each snowflake he creates is unique from all the others and there are billions of them! No two people have the same fingerprints that he creates. This divine creation is reflected in humans. In reality, we frequently observe it in the arts, music, literature, and sciences. We exhibit creativity when we converse (we use words in novel ways), when we cook, when we perform short plays, and when we do our theological homework. Observe how creatures like birds, insects, and animals create things, yet they lack human creativity. Eagles build nests, but they’ve been doing it the same way for thousands of years. There hasn’t been any advancement! No originality! However, men’s houses have evolved from caves, huts, and structures with hundreds of stories; for some guys, “home” is a space station where they spend months at a time!Love:
Since God is love, the three members of the Godhead have always been loving and receiving love from one another. Therefore, the Father has always loved and been loved by the Son; the Son has always loved and been loved by the Spirit; and the Spirit has always loved and been loved by the Father. If this is how God is, then it stands to reason that God’s likeness must also possess love. And fact, that is a concise statement of how to live: Love the Lord your God, and love your neighbor as yourself.Stewardship:
We can reign since we were created in God’s likeness. Let them rule over is the logical conclusion of “Let us make in our image.” God has appointed us to serve as deputy and govern on his behalf. [fn1: According to Dr. Viands, the “image of God” was closely associated with royalty and power in the ancient Near East. Pharaoh was said to as “the image of God,” and rulers erected statues of themselves all throughout their domains to symbolize their heavenly rule over it. Kapolyo likes to speak about “stewardship” instead of “dominion” or “rule,” which sound too much like tyranny and dominance. This stewardship must be practiced while being aware of several factors, including:- Our authority over nature is a delegated power.
- Humanity and the natural world are in unison.
- Creation is not anthropocentric; it is theocentric.
- The idea of creation in the future.
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