The Humanity of Jesus
Jesus of Nazareth, the central figure of Christianity, is often viewed as the divine Son of God. His miraculous healings, teachings, and resurrection have inspired billions of believers throughout history. However, there is another aspect of Jesus that is frequently overlooked: his humanity. The doctrine of the Incarnation, that Jesus was both fully God and… Read more
Hinduism: A Theological Evaluation Of It’s Practices and Beliefs
Hinduism is one of the oldest religions in the world, with a history that dates back more than 5,000 years… The founding of Hinduism is not attributed to a specific person or group of individuals… It began as a series of beliefs and practices that were rooted in ancient India, with Hinduism’s earliest form called… Read more
3 Myths About The Trinity
There are three fundamental misconceptions concerning the trinity that we shall explore in the following order: Read more
The Holy Spirit Is God
In relation to the trinity, I shall provide three justifications for Christians’ conviction that the Holy Spirit is the triune God and a member of the trinity. First of all, Jesus himself declared that the Holy Spirit is God and a member of the trinity (Matthew 28:19). Consequently, let’s analyze this matter as follows: TheContinue… Read more
Jesus Christ Is God
There have frequently been doubts as to whether Jesus is God. I will therefore give you five distinct types of evidence that are frequently cited by Christians as justification for their belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Read more
What Is The Trinity?
The Godhead is made up of three individuals: the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. Each individual is wholly and really God. That is, the Father is completely and really God, the Son is fully and truly God, and the Holy Spirit is fully and truly God (not part of God). There is only ONE… Read more