Our Blog

  • Complete Restoration of God’s Image When we are Glorified

    Complete Restoration of God’s Image When we are Glorified

    We shall all be GLORIFIED when Christ returns in glory, which entails that we will perfectly reflect God’s character. We are told in Scripture that when he comes, we will resemble him (1 John 3:2) and that we will carry the image of the man of heaven “just as we have carried the image ofContinue… Read more

  • Redemption In Christ

    Redemption In Christ

    Our reflection of God’s likeness is gradually returning. We are gradually recovering and reflecting more of God’s image. As believers with a new nature, we are “being renewed in knowledge in [our] Creator’s] likeness” (Col 3:10). Through Holy scripture, we increase in awareness and information, and as a result, the image of God is graduallyContinue… Read more

  • The Fall Of Man

    The Fall Of Man

    While warped, God’s image is still discernible. God’s image distorted but not completely lost. How about man’s original sin caused by his fall? How does that impact the divine image that exists in every person? Although they are now sinners, are people still made in God’s image? The reason a murderer should be put toContinue… Read more

  • Stewardship As The Image Of God

    Stewardship As The Image Of God

    We can reign since we were created in God’s likeness. Let them rule over is the logical conclusion of “Let us make in our image.” God has appointed us to serve as deputy and govern on his behalf. Read more

  • What Does “Image of God” Mean?

    What Does “Image of God” Mean?

    Therefore, “likeness” and “image” relate to the same aspect of humanity rather than two independent aspects. What exactly does it mean to state that a person is “created in God’s image and likeness”? In certain aspects, man “represents or stands for God,” “is like God,” or is “similar to God,” according to this phrase …… Read more

  • Why Did God Create Man?

    Why Did God Create Man?

    God didn’t have to make man. There are instances when people claim that God made men and women because he was lonesome. Most definitely not the case! According to the concept of the trinity, the relationship between the Father, the Son, and the Spirit has been complete and wonderful throughout all of time. In theContinue… Read more